Heart Scanning UK

Monday, April 14, 2008

Lung Scan

A controversial study suggests that computed tomography (CT) scans catch lung cancer early in smokers and other high-risk people, enabling doctors to intervene when they still can improve a patient's chances of survival. However, some scientists criticize the study's design for leaving many questions unanswered. The Heart-Scan team now offer the CT Lung Scan. For the new study, which began in 1993, scientists did CT scans of about 31,000 generally healthy people and gave follow-up scans to more than 27,000 of them within 18 months. The participants, who were average age 61, were all smokers, ex-smokers, or people exposed to secondhand smoke or some other lung hazard, such as asbestos or radon. In the two screenings, or in the interim, 484 participants were diagnosed with lung cancer. Of these, 412 had early-stage cancer confined to the lung. Most underwent surgery promptly after diagnosis. You can contact lung scan for further information.


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