Heart Scanning UK

Monday, February 26, 2007


BCRT is specialized CHD that measure calcium in the coronary arteries. But maybe you're not quite sure exactly what heart scans are. You probably hear plenty about what you can do to prevent heart disease. Is it the same thing as cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease or other terms you often come across? Hardening of the coronary arteries due to blockages and narrowing will starve the heart of oxygen resulting in permanent damage. This process is known as CHD. Support BCRT and make a difference.


BCRT is the new technique for rapid non-invasive scanning of CHD. It is now possible to easily detect heart disease by heart-scan at its earliest stages, before symptoms develop. High blood pressure damages the lining of your arteries and accelerates the process of atherosclerosis — which can lead to cardiovascular disease. Overweight men are more likely to have heart disease. A high level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol contributes to atherosclerosis in blood vessels, raising the risk of heart disease. Smoking cigarettes raises your risk of developing atherosclerosis. Smoking increases your chances of heart disease. For further information you may contact BCRT.

British Cardiac Research Trust

The British Cardiac Research Trust works towards helping people live a longer and better life through the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease. Brushing up on some basic terminology about cardiovascular disease can help you stay more informed, which pays off whether you're watching the news or meeting with your doctor. Our primary focus is to support British Cardiac Research Trust and cure of cardiac conditions.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Heart Scans London

The heart scans, captures detailed, cross-sectional images of your heart, revealing the presence of coronary artery calcification, a key factor in determining your risk of heart disease. The overall condition of your heart health is based on this "calcium scoring." Since most people have no warning of an impending heart attack, a heart scans can give you the foresight to take the necessary steps to maintain your good health. Heart Scans is specialized CT scanning that measure calcium in the coronary arteries.

Heart Scans UK

A Heart Scans is used to evaluate the blood supply to the heart muscle. It can identify areas of the heart that may have a poor blood supply as a result of damage from a previous heart attack or blocked coronary arteries. While exercise testing has long been a standard examination in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease, in some cases, the Heart Scans may be more sensitive and more specific in the information it provides. In other words, the test may be better able to detect a problem and to differentiate one condition from another. A Heart Scans may more accurately detect ischemic heart disease.