Heart Scanning UK

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Heart Scanning

In recent years, there have been improvements in heart scanning. Many centers now use a single photon emission computed tomographic (SPECT) camera, which provides a clearer image. Some centers also use a type of radioactive chemical called sestamibi. Sestamibi is used along with a radioactive compound called technetium. While thallium may still be better for some uses, such as providing a better image of the heart muscle itself, sestamibi may produce clearer images in overweight patients and is more useful in assessing how well the heart pumps blood by heart scanning.

Heart Scans

15-second emergency Heart Scans can determine which patients with chest pain have heart problems and which do not, potentially saving lives by allowing doctors to focus on those in urgent need, according to a study published by the Heart Scans. A Heart Association. In the study, 103 people with chest pain were given routine tests as well as a 15-second Heart Scans called a multidetector computed tomography, or MDCT, which enables doctors to see where plaque has built up in coronary arteries, making them narrower and harder.

Heart Scan

The heart scan is a simple non-invasive test used for early detection of heart disease. With early detection and modifying your risk factors, the potential for advanced heart disease may be significantly reduced and in some cases reversed. The heart scan is a painless test that takes about 10 minutes. Heart Scan is used for the diagnosis of heart disease. Heart Scan provides powerful tool in the field of heart disease detection.