Heart Scanning UK

Friday, August 29, 2008

Heart investigations

The heart investigations, cross-sectional images of your heart reveal the presence of coronary artery disease. These are the key factor in determining your risk of heart disease. The overall condition of your heart health is based on these heart investigations. Since most people have no warning of an impending heart attack, a heart scan can give you the foresight to take the necessary steps to maintain your good health.

Heart test

15-second emergency heart test can determine which patients with chest pain have heart problems and which do not, potentially saving lives by allowing doctors to focus on those in urgent need, according to a study published by the UK's Heart Association. In the study, 103 people with chest pain were given routine tests as well as a 15-second heart test called a multidetector computed tomography, or MDCT, which enables doctors to see where plaque has built up in coronary arteries, making them narrower and harder. Detecting plaque is key since its buildup is a telltale sign of acute coronary syndrome, or ACS, an umbrella term for the chest pain associated with heart attacks and angina.